Friday, March 16, 2012

Growth Hormone Therapy

The time has come... we have officially started Growth Hormone Therapy (GHT). I am both excited about it and sad about it. I am excited because I am so hopeful it will help Caden grow so he can catch up to where he should be. But I am sad because it means daily injections until he is full grown. :(

On Sunday, March 11, we had a nurse come out to train us on how to give the injections. She had a “fake skin” to practice on. That was very easy because the skin didn't move and didn't scream or cry. But giving an injection to poor Caden is a whole other story!

Greg gave him his first injection and because he didn't know what was coming, he held so still and was so good. But as soon as the needle went in, he started screaming. Then he came to me to be comforted afterwards. But Monday-Thursday I gave him his shots. Each day was harder than the last in terms of him fighting me. (I really want to know what God didn't give moms 3 arms!) But with each time, he recovered from the “trauma” more quickly. Greg did his shot today and thankfully we get to take one day off/week and we have chosen Saturdays! So no shots tomorrow! :)

It is horrible to have to inflict pain on your child every day. But the nurses and doctors keep telling us the kids become so used to it that once they get a little older, they actually give themselves their own shots. I can hardly believe that! Especially coming from where we are right now. But that would be wonderful if it actually happens.

In the meantime, please pray for us. Pray for me and Greg to be fast and efficient with giving the shots to minimize the pain for Caden. And please pray for Caden to remain calm and quiet so it is less traumatic on him. We have one week down and many many many more to go... I know it will get better but right now it is very stressful on all of us.