Monday, April 9, 2012


We had some really nice Easter celebrations this year. On Friday, April 6, I helped in Kyler's classroom as the kids colored eggs, had an egg hunt on the playground and ate fun snacks.

Coloring eggs at school.

Fun snacks to celebrate.

Egg hunt on the playground.

Showing me the eggs he found.

All lined up with his class after finding all the eggs.

These are the fun eggs Kyler colored at school.

I love that I am able to be actively involved in his classroom activities. That is one of the things I enjoy most about being a stay at home mom. :)

On Easter Sunday we gave the kids their Easter baskets to open at home. They were really excited about going through the loot!

Then we went to a potluck brunch followed by an easter-egg hunt at one of the local parks with a lot of other families in the community. For every child participating in the hunt, we brought a dozen plastic eggs filled with treats. Then, during the hunt, each child is only allowed to collect 12 eggs. If they find more, they have to give them to another child who didn't get their quota. It was very fun and the kids had a great time.

Kyler adding eggs to his basket.

Caden found another one!

Showing off their finds.

Family photo time after the egg hunt.

That evening, Kyler helped me make Resurrection Buns. We used Pillsbury biscuits and rolled them out flat.

Then we placed a marshmallow in the center of each one – this represents Jesus body wrapped in linens.

Then, we brought the edges of the dough together and pressed them tight to close it into a pocket – this represents the tomb Jesus was placed in.

Then we brushed butter on the dough and sprinkled it with cinnamon and sugar – this represents the spices used to prepare Jesus' body.

Then they are placed in the oven and baked. When they come out, you open the “tomb” and Jesus' body (the marshmallow) is gone. All that is left is the melted marshmallow which represents the linens left in the grave after Jesus rose from the dead.

It is a great visual for kids to better understand the real meaning of Easter. And, for the 12 days leading up to Easter, we used the Resurrection Eggs again. See my post from last year if you aren't familiar with these. They are so great for young kids!