Saturday, April 18, 2009

Appointment at Stanford

On Monday, April 13, Greg and I took Caden back to Lucile Packard Children's Hospital for a follow-up appointment. He had an echocardiogram, EKG and an exam with one of the cardiologists. The echo went well and Caden was able to sleep through most of it. That was good because it made our jobs easier since we didn't have to work too hard to keep him calm and still. The EKG also looked good, the tech just had a hard time getting a good reading because Caden had hiccups that were interfering!

When the doctor did his exam and asked us all his questions, he said he was very happy with how Caden looked and what the echo and EKG showed. From his perspective, everything looked great. Caden is currently on four medications and the doctor thought that within the next three months, that he would be off of three of them completely. And, the last one, he thought he would be off of within a year. So that is great news. We didn't really know if he would have to be on them long-term or not, but it looks like he won't have to be on them too long.

While we were in Palo Alto, we were able to connect with a couple friends from the Ronald McDonald House which was fun. And, we also saw our social worker and a couple of the nurse practitioners from the CVICU. Good to catch up with a few people who knew us and Caden.

It ended up being a long day, but it went well and we are happy with how Caden is progressing. We are so grateful for how well he is doing. And, we are so happy that he is sleeping better. Probiotics seem to have made all the difference for him. It seems to help him move things through more easily and not have as severe gas problems as he was having. Praise God for that! As usual, we thank you for your prayers and we will post more news when we have it.


Anonymous said...


Just checking in on the blog again and so glad to hear how well Caden is doing. Blessing to you all.


Fer said...

I am glad Caden is doing well :)


Christina Moreno said...

Hurray for Probiotics!