Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Celebrating the Miracle of Caden

On Sunday, some good friends of ours had an informal party to celebrate the miracle of Caden. Our pediatrician felt a lot of the respiratory viruses were going away and it was probably “safer” to have Caden out in public. This was a come-and-go event to celebrate his life and introduce him to friends and family. Very few people have actually met him up until this point because we have kept him so isolated. So this was the first of his “public” appearances. Of course, that being said, we still had everyone use the hand sanitizer we brought with us.

It was a beautiful party and it meant so much to us that our friends wanted to do this. Caden is such a blessing and miracle in our lives and we are so grateful to have him. We came so close to losing him and we are overjoyed he survived and is doing so well.

Here are a couple pictures of the event.

My feelings of joy and gratefulness about Caden are dampened when I see what is happening with other heart children. I've been closely following the blog of beautiful Faith and praying for a miracle of healing in her life. Sadly, she passed away yesterday at UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento. I never met Faith, but reading her blog and hearing how special this 5-year-old was, makes me feel like I missed out by not knowing her. My heart goes out to her family as I lift them up in prayer.

It makes me realize how fortunate we are to have both our children with us and doing well. We cannot take things for granted, especially the health of our children. It is so easy to do when things are going smoothly.


Gina and the Gang said...

That is such a SWEET way of welcoming Caden. How special!