Wednesday, May 2, 2012

G-Tube Removal!

As I mentioned in the previous post, Caden is scheduled to have his g-tube removed on Monday, June 18 in Sacramento. This is very surreal for me. I can hardly believe we have the date when it is finally coming out. However, it is also very strange because it's hard for me to picture him without the tube. He has had it since he was 5 weeks old and it is a part of him.

Even though I am anxious to have it gone, it almost feels like he is having something removed that shouldn't be. I'm sure that doesn't make any sense to someone who hasn't been through this. But it's almost like he's having a toe removed or something like that. Like we are being told he doesn't need his toe anymore so they are going to take it off. I realize that's not the best analogy but that's the best I could come up with to compare how I am feeling about this.

Don't get me wrong though, I am THRILLED to have it taken out! But I am having more mixed emotions about it than I expected. Strange how things affect you when you least expect it. Who knew I would cry about it coming out, and not just tears of joy. Maybe it's because it scares me a little. It's always been our “back-up” in case something goes wrong and doesn't eat as well as he should. We haven't used it since the end of September 2011. It's very unlikely we will ever need it again. But for some reason I am happy and sad about it being removed. Go figure...