Wednesday, May 9, 2012

OT in Walla Walla

I didn't get things together very quickly after we moved to Walla Walla in terms of getting Caden set up for receiving Occupational Therapy through the school district. I finally had an OT evaluation for him on May 2 where they determined he definitely needed ongoing services. So we set up an IEP meeting for May 8 to get all the paperwork in place. And, we ended up having his first OT session that same day.

He is scheduled to be seen once/week at the local public elementary school while school is in session. So he won't receive any therapy during the summer. He was pretty funny with his new therapist though. He really wants to do everything himself, even if it's wrong. I took a video clip of them working on counting pop beads he had just put together. He doesn't want the therapist to help him until he says so. But he clearly has a problem counting things one-to-one. Enjoy watching the clip.