Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Endocrinology/Pulmonology Updates

Monday, February 18, Caden had two doctor's appointments in Spokane; endocrinology and pulmonology.

The endocrinologist is the one who monitors Caden's growth hormone therapy. Every visit she checks his height/weight and once/year she does bone age studies on his hand. At this appointment he measured as growing almost a full inch in the previous three months! That is pretty astounding for him! However, he hadn't gained (or lost) any weight at all. :/ So he's super skinny right now. It seems that no matter how much food we can get him to eat, he has such a hard time gaining weight. We did the x-ray for the bone age study but I don't know when we will get the results of that. Last year it came back “normal” for whatever that is worth... But for now I am really happy with his growth. The doctor was pretty happy also.

At the pulmonologist office we saw the Nurse Practitioner there. Previously we have only ever seen the doctor but he wasn't available on this date and we try to always coordinate the two appointments since we have to drive 3 hours to get there. Anyway, I talked with the NP at length regarding Caden's new diagnosis of Scimitar Syndrome (SS) and his upcoming surgery. She did an exam and said his lungs sounded great even though he was fighting a cold, which was good news. She also wanted to do more research after we left on SS so she could better educate herself. And she planned to talk to the doctor and is going to get back to me regarding their recommendations for medications prior to surgery.

All in all the day went well and we were back to Walla Walla shortly after 5 that night. But it still makes for a long day!