Monday, November 2, 2009

OT Evaluation

On Tuesday, October 27, Caden had an Occupational Therapy evaluation. I knew that his fine motor skills were delayed but I didn't know how much. And, he has some sensory issues that I wanted to have addressed. I am hoping that he will qualify to receive therapy through Alta CA Regional Center, along with his PT and feeding therapy, etc.

We had the evaluation at Bright Start Therapies, which is the same place that he currently receives PT. And, it is also where Kyler received speech therapy. I am hoping that Caden will also be able to do speech there as well.

The therapist was great and spent a lot of time with Caden evaluating many different things with him. In the end, she said he is definitely delayed and unofficially is around a 6-month-old development. She needed to add everything up and complete the report in order to know for sure. She was optimistic that he would receive services but we will have to wait to find out.

We have our official IFSP (individualized family service plan) with Alta on November 10. At that time, we will discuss the results of all the reports as well as how to proceed with Caden in terms of what he qualifies for and where he will receive therapies. I am really happy because our nurse case manager will also be attending. She is the one who really helped us get the exemption for not having PT get billed through insurance. She is such an advocate and is so much more familiar with what is available so I am thrilled that she can be there to back me up on things.

Also, on November 2, a team of people get together at Alta to discuss whether or not Caden will qualify to change from a “Level 1” to a “Level 2”. I am praying that he will get changed because this will qualify him to receive nursing or respite care. This will be a life-saver for us this winter as it will help us keep Caden at home and isolated, away from all the germs. I would appreciate all your prayers on this subject because we really need this for him in order to keep him safe and healthy!


Anonymous said...

I pray for you daily but will especially add this request.

Love - Grandma Mary