Saturday, December 12, 2009

11 Months Old

I cannot believe that on December 9, Caden turned 11 months old! I am still in shock! I can't believe that in less than one month, he will be 1 year old! Because of all the challenges Caden has and the delays in his development, I think that adds to my feeling that he is still a small baby, and not on the verge of toddler-hood. Of course, that is true, he is a long way from walking, and probably even crawling. But even in just thinking about the amount of time that has gone by, it's amazing.

On one hand it feels like an eternity since he was born. After all, most people don't have to go through all that Caden has in their entire lives, let alone in the first year. But it also feels like he was just born yesterday. I love our sweet baby boy and am so glad to be his mommy. I am blessed to have him in my life!


Anonymous said...
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Chris said...

Carey, Caden is so big! He looks so healthy and happy! I am so full of joy to see that you are all doing so well. I thought of you randomly today and remembered that I had your blog address! I love your haircut too by the way. :) So happy that Caden is nearing his first birthday! Now THAT is reason to celebrate! We rejoice with you. Love Stephanie Nelson