Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Caden's 1st Birthday

As many of you know, Caden will be turning 1 on Saturday, January 9. This is cause for a HUGE celebration of his life. However, due to the time of year and the concern of serious germs floating around, we need to keep Caden healthy. So, we are foregoing a big party which he deserves and will have a very small party at home with family and that will have to suffice.

However, we really want to do something special for Caden to commemorate this momentous occasion. So, we are asking EVERYONE who knows about him to email us at to send your birthday wishes. Here are some ideas if you aren't sure what to say (you can make it as long or short as you like):

Letter to Caden
Reflection or story on how Caden and his story has impacted or affected your life
A prayer for Caden for the years to come
A prayer you have said for him since you first started following his story
Note of praise
Or simply “Happy Birthday”

But whatever you send, please send a picture of you and your family as well. We will be taking everything we receive and creating a special book for Caden and we want him to be able to look back and see the faces of all the people whose lives he has impacted. Thank you so much for all your love and support. We couldn't have done it without you and our faith in God!


Unknown said...

This is a FANTASTIC idea, Carey! I may have to borrow it sometime. :)