Friday, April 30, 2010


I've been a slacker lately when it comes to updating the blog. I guess in our case, no news means good news. Or at least no bad news.

Actually we've had a few really good weeks since Caden recovered from having pneumonia. In fact, my little man recently started clapping and giving high-fives. He also appears to be signing the word “more” and attempting to repeat sounds when we make them. I love it! We have been trying to get him to do these things for so long and it is finally happening. He's not %100 consistent, but I'll take it.

Also, we saw his pulmonologist for a follow-up appointment last week and he said Caden's lungs sounded “perfect.” No sweeter words can be spoken about him in my opinion. His lungs are what we are most concerned about all the time. So, what a blessing! We are continuing a couple medications until middle of May and then we're done. Yay!!!

Overall, I really feel like Caden is on the verge of some great progress. It's already started happening and I feel like there is a lot more to come in the next few weeks. I'll try to keep you posted!