Thursday, March 8, 2012

Bike Day

For the month of March, Kyler's class has been studying transportation: air, sea, and land. On Thursday, March 8, it was BIKE DAY! Kyler was anxiously awaiting this day because all the kids got to bring their bikes or scooters to school so they could ride through an obstacle course. They had a guest speaker come in and talk to them all about bike safety, etc.

The obstacle course activity was in the afternoon, so Caden and I walked over to the school to watch. A few of the parents spent a lot of time putting together the course and getting everything ready. The kids all lined up and took turns one by one.

Kyler ready to take his turn on the course

And there he goes...

Very focused on the course and his next turn

There were a few minor accidents, but overall everyone had a great time and Kyler loved every minute of it! We even lucked out with the weather. It was sunny and windy, but no rain.