Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Meeting Olivia!

I am so excited because on Tuesday, November 27 I got to fly down to California to meet sweet little Olivia! She was only 5 days old when I met her and sweeter as can be! I was in town from the 27th – December 4 and stayed with another friend of mine. The main purpose of my trip was to meet Olivia and spend time with that precious baby girl. But the beauty of this trip was I went all by myself! No kids. No husband. That meant I could do my own thing. I didn't have to worry about anyone else's schedule. :)

I took full advantage of my week! I met friends for lunch, for dinner, for coffee, for chats and everything in between. I got to go to church at my church and actually listen to the whole sermon without being interrupted by little boys demanding my attention. And I spent as much time possibly cuddling that precious baby girl. She is just so wonderfully sweet! It truly was a wonderful time. Just look at these pictures of little Olivia. I am so in love with that girl! 

My first introduction to Olivia!

Olivia with her beautiful Mommy, Suzanne!

Those beautiful eyes

 Snoozing away as I said goodbye  :(

I also got to meet up with several of Caden's former therapists. Julia, his physical therapist; Monica, his occupational therapist; and Michelle, his feeding therapist. It was so great to see them and catch up. I am so grateful for all of Caden's therapists and the impact they made in his life. And, I am so lucky to have these people in my life and be able to call them friends. They helped me so much during the first three years of Caden's life when everything was a struggle for us. Every one of them made a difference in both my life and in Caden's. Thank you!

Michelle had a baby after we moved away and I got to meet her sweet baby girl, Adair. Isn't she adorable?! I had so much fun holding her and snuggling with her which Michelle and I caught up on life. 

I am truly blessed and so happy to have the opportunity to take this week and spend it with friends. Thank you to Greg and my parents for making it possible for me to have some time away from the boys. Without them, I wouldn't have been able to go.