Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas Program

On Friday, December 2, Kyler's school had their Christmas program. The Kindergartener's part was right at the beginning. It was so cute and they did such a good job! There are only 6 kids in the Kindergarten class but only 5 of them participated. One of them was too scared to get up in front of everyone.

Greg was unable to be at the program, so I was really happy when one of the other Kindergarten moms said she would give me a copy of their video from that night. I really wanted Greg to be able to see how well Kyler did.

In the past, we have had problems getting Kyler to participate in these things. He will stand there and cry, throw a tantrum or just not do anything. This time around he recited the poem, he sang the song and did some of the hand motions. In my book, he did a fantastic job and I was so proud of him!

Enjoy the video!