Wednesday, December 7, 2011


On December 7, after almost two years, Caden graduated from his speech and language therapy. He is now considered to be “age-appropriate” and even advanced in some areas. Over the past two years, Caden has had several speech therapists. He received speech therapy twice/week for most of that time. At the end, his last two therapists were Fernan and Karen. I am including a video of each of them with Caden during his last sessions so you can see how much fun he has with each of them.

Thank you so much not only to Fernan and Karen, but also to his other therapists, especially Jeni and Anita who were with him longer than most of the others. We can't thank you enough for all your efforts in getting him to be caught up in his speech. It is truly amazing the progress he made in the last couple months especially.

Karen and her husband, Dave, who own the clinic where Caden received PT for almost two years, and where he received all of his Speech and OT, became like family to us. Not only did Caden spend most of his three years of life going there, Kyler also received speech therapy there as well. So, for more than four years, we have been going to Bright Start Therapies. They truly fell in love with Caden and looked forward to seeing him every session. Dave probably saw Caden more than any other person besides his own family because for awhile we were going to Bright Start 4-5 days/week! I am so incredibly grateful for them and all they have done for our family, especially Caden. We miss you so much! It is very bittersweet. :(

The first video is his last session with Fernan on December 6.

This second video is his last session with Karen on December 7.

I love the engaging eye contact in this picture!

Thank you Fernan!

Caden looks so serious...

Caden with Dave, one of his favorite people in the world!

I love how Karen and Dave were like the
paparazzi with Caden, taking pictures like
crazy during his last speech session. 
It shows me how much they love him!

Karen and Dave, thank you for everything! 
Thank you for loving my boy so much and for giving
him the best possible start to his life. 
We miss you!  Caden keeps asking for "Dave, stickers!"