Thursday, December 13, 2012

Caden's Christmas Party

December 12 was Caden's Christmas party at preschool. It was so fun to see all the kids together ready to party. Teacher Melissa and all her helpers did an amazing job planning and putting everything together. All the families who brought food/treats did an awesome job also!

The kids got to eat, play “Pin the Nose on the Snowman,” and take turns hitting the pinata. Teacher Melissa is more brave than I would be with that many 3-5 year-olds! But they all had such a great time. 

At the end, each of the kids got to choose a gift from under the tree as part of a gift exchange. This was a little hard for Caden because he wanted to bring home the gift we brought, but by the time it was his turn to choose, it was already taken by a classmate. This brought on a series of tantrums. But once he got over that, he ended up really liking his book and we left on a happy note.

School is out until January 7! What a nice long vacation for Caden. :)