Friday, December 7, 2012

Lego Christmas

Kyler is in a Lego club at school with some of his classmates. They meet once/week after school. He absolutely loves it! There are engineering students from the university who come lead the club. Each week they have a topic they learn about and then put into practice. The first week they learned about levers and how to use them in building legos. It is a lot of fun.

December 6 was the last day they met before Christmas vacation and the theme was “Christmas.” The leaders talked about Mary and Joseph and baby Jesus and the stable and animals. Then each of the kids was assigned a “character” to build out of legos. It was so fun to see their creative minds working!

Here is the end result along with the kids in the club and the leaders from the university. I think it turned out so cute! In case you can't tell what the tall things on the top are, the yellow one in the middle is a star, and the one on the right in the back is an angel on some sort of tower. This was designed by one of the students. :) 

I think they did a great job! So cute.