Saturday, December 15, 2012

Kyler's Christmas Party

Friday, December 14 was Kyler's last day of school before Christmas vacation and it was his class party. Around 9:30 in the morning, the put on a Christmas program for the residents from Garrison Creek who came to the school. Sadly, I missed this part of the day because I got mixed up on the times. :( But I'm sure all the kids did a great job with their parts.

At 10:30 the class party started. The kids started with opening a small gift from Mrs. Wessman to each of them. She made them each an ornament which was so sweet! 

The kids showing off their ornaments from Mrs. Wessman

Then, they participated in a gift exchange. In this version, the teacher drew their names and they could pick a wrapped gift from the center of the circle. Once everyone had gotten a gift, Mrs. Wessman drew their names again. When their name was called, they could go and trade gifts with anyone in the circle. And, all the gifts remained wrapped. When they completed the first round of trading, the teacher asked if they wanted to open the present they were holding or if they wanted to play one more time. The majority voted to play again. So they went through each name and traded the wrapped gifts. After this round, the kids got to open and keep the gift they were holding. Kyler ended up with a very cool “Hexbug” toy. It is pretty fun. 

After the gift exchange, they ate their holiday snacks while watching a short Christmas movie about Jesus. Then school was over and it was time to head home. Time for vacation to begin! It was a really fun day and we had a good time.