Sunday, January 13, 2013

Caden's Birthday Celebrations!

Caden ended up having three different birthday celebrations. The first one was on his birthday, January 9, at preschool. I made cupcakes and brought them in to share with his class. They all sang “Happy Birthday” to him and then I passed out the cupcakes. It was so amazing because this is the first time Caden has ever eaten any of his birthday cake (or in this case, cupcake)! This is the first year he has been interested in eating food. Pretty awesome! He even picked out the specific cupcake he wanted the night before his birthday. And he made sure he got that exact one at preschool and devoured the whole thing!

Caden in circle time on his birthday

The class eagerly awaiting cupcakes!

 Caden chowing down on his special cupcake!

--> That night we went out to dinner as a family for his birthday. This is something we wouldn't have even considered doing a year ago! But the fact that he actually wants to eat now and asks for food is awesome. So we went to Mexican food. He loves beans and rice, so that's what he got. It is truly amazing how much can change in a year. I look forward to many more birthday dinners together!

Excitedly waiting for his food!

Then, we had a short little birthday at church, on January 12. He got to come to the front of his class and have everyone sing to him. He put the number of pennies into the little church for the number of years old he is. And then he got to blow out the candles and pick out a small gift. It was pretty cute!

Getting his pennies to count his age

So excited to have everyone sing to him

Blowing out his candles

The last celebration was the biggest one, on January 13. We had a lot of family come into town to celebrate with us. My parents, Greg's parents, and my sister and her family all came from out of town. One of Caden's babysitters came with her boyfriend. And Caden had two friends from preschool come also. The kids made bookmarks and played for awhile before Caden opened his gifts and we had cake.

A couple months ago Caden told me he wanted a giraffe on his cake. So I talked to our friend, Angela, who makes cakes to see if she could do that for us. Boy did she come through! She created an amazing cake with an adorable giraffe on top. It was truly amazing! Thank you so very very much!!!

Isn't this cake amazing?!

Caden EATING his birthday cake!!!

Caden with Deklan and Julia

Caden with Cousins Melissa & Rylan,
Aunt Cheryl & Uncle Kent

Caden with babysitter, Kathryn and her boyfriend, Adam

Caden and Kyler with my parents,
Grandma Janie & Grandpa Charles

Caden and Kyler with Greg's parents,
Grandpa Dan & Grandma Mary

It was a lot of celebrating for a little person. But considering all he's been through and all he faces in the next few months, I'm glad we had the opportunity to enjoy some happy times together! Four years old! It hardly seems possible. But here we are...


Anonymous said...

Good for him. He deserves all that celebrating! And that cake - so cute! Tami Edwards