Saturday, January 26, 2013


I just have to say how absolutely adorable Kyler is with his top two front teeth missing! He pulled the upper left central incisor out on Friday night. It had been sticking straight out for the last week and I kept telling him I would pull it out for him. His teacher even offered to pull it out for him. But he wouldn't let anyone near it.

Then, Friday night, he kept complaining that it hurt and I told him the tooth had to come out and he needed to just pull it out. So, he wiggled it and twisted it around for a minute, then pulled down, and “POP!” I heard the root break and out came the tooth. He looked surprised for a second and then he was so proud of himself. It was so cute! And, how can you not love that adorable “toofless” grin?! 


Gina and the Gang said...

Um, please tell his teacher that she ROCKS! I don't know how I have taught kinder for 10 years, have a son that has been cut open 4 times, yet cannot even look at loose teeth!!!!