Friday, September 5, 2008

The Beginning

August 21 was a day we had been looking forward to: we were going to find out the gender of our baby who is due January 17. Greg took the day off work and my Mom was home with Kyler so we could go to the ultrasound together. When we were called back to the ultrasound room, we were very excited and told the technician we definitely wanted to know the gender. She proceeded with the scan and commented on things she saw here and there, but was overall fairly quiet. The thought dawned on us that maybe something was wrong, but dismissed it as just being her personality.

When our ultrasound was over, we were scheduled to see Dr. Sweeney, my OB/GYN, immediately following. While we waited, we called family members to tell them the exciting news that we found out we were having a boy. That is what I wanted very much so I was thrilled. We enjoyed our 45 minutes of blissful ignorance before finally being called back to see Dr. Sweeney. We were wondering what was taking so long, but it’s not completely unusual to have a wait at the doctor’s office. When she finally entered the exam room, she apologized for the wait and explained that she had been reviewing the ultrasound. Without wanting to “sugar-coat” things, as she put it, she cut right to the chase and told us that there were several things of concern in the ultrasound.

It didn’t take me long before I was crying as she described issues with the heart and skull development. She gave us as much information as she could before leaving the room and allowing me and Greg some time alone to absorb the gravity of what we had just learned. It was completely overwhelming to hear about the concerns.

Dr. Sweeney referred us to see a perinatologist for a more in-depth ultrasound with the specialist to see if they could get more thorough data. She told us she would talk to her friend who was a doctor in the practice and make sure they got me in right away. In addition, she wanted us to get a fetal echocardiogram at the cardiologist’s office for more information on the heart specifically.

After shedding more tears together, Greg and I left the doctor’s office and headed home. Now came the awful task of calling our family back and giving them the devastating news. At this point, we still didn’t know the gravity of the situation, but all we could do was think about what we did know and things didn’t look good.

That Thursday afternoon, we spent a lot of time talking to family and a couple friends about the situation as well as crying more tears. It was extremely hard to have to wait to get more information. I am a planner and I want to be able to plan for things. So, first thing Friday morning, August 22, I called the cardiologist’s office and scheduled the echo for Thursday, August 28. Then, I called the perinatologist’s office to schedule the ultrasound for Wednesday, August 27. It certainly didn’t feel like it was enough, but it was all I could do at that point. Now, we had to wait through the weekend and somehow survive until the 27th when we could get more information from the specialist.

On Saturday, I was not emotionally ready to go to church and answer any questions regarding the baby and how I was doing so I opted to stay home. Greg and Kyler went for part of church and Sabbath School. The rest of the weekend, we tried to spend as much family time together as we could. It’s hard to know what to do when you’re faced with this type of situation, but we turned inward and upward. We spent a lot of time with our family of three and a lot of time praying for guidance, strength and wisdom.

We already felt the need to be looking for the positive things in the situation and looking for where God’s hand was already working in our lives. It didn’t take us long to come up with a list of multiple things which pointed to God working to prepare us for this moment. The list includes putting dear and special friends in our lives even before we knew we needed them on this level. It also involves the timing of our trip to Hawaii for Greg’s job, the day the ultrasound was scheduled for, and many other things. Being able to see where God was putting people and timing in place for us really helped us get through those first few days when we were just waiting to get more information.

I am confident there are many other ways in which God has worked to prepare us for this journey. Some of them are unseen by us at this point and some probably unknown until heaven. I am grateful for the provision God has made for our family and the provision he will continue to make for us along the way.


Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing.... I just prayed for you... i will continue to pray... you're right it's an opportunity for God to show His power and love through a miracle, Let us know if u need anything... We'll continue to pray...


Lori W. said...

You are in my thoughts every day. I will continue to pray for all four of you that God will give you strength and peace as you face each day of this journey.

Anonymous said...

although i dont know you personally,a friend sent this on for all to pray and i will do the same. my heart goes out to all of you. somehow someway God will bless you with the peace and stregnth to get through this journey of life. My thoughts and prayers are with you-- sounds like a very strong family and together with all the love that surrounds you ---always believe in the power of love -- never gve up. we are all praying

Sharon said...

I know that words dont seem to bring comfort at a time like this, but know that you are both deeply, deeply loved. We are here for you, if you need anything, even just a hug!

Granddad Sanders said...

Thank you for sharing your hearts and lives. You have given us the opportunity to pray for you and to ask others to pray. Kathy and I will be praying each day.



gail j said...

May you find courage in God who is our refuge and strength and help in times of trouble. Believe me, your son will do amazing things for God!!
Love and Prayers,
Gail and Harry

Anonymous said...

Hello Carey,

I am so sorry. Is this what they call anacephalic? You didn't mention a medical term.
Keep holding on to God's hand and He will see you through.
Davona Church

The Pierson Family said...

We are praying you through this time. Since we're also expecting a little one, this challenge you are facing takes on a whole new meaning for us too. We know your heart is in the right place, we also pray we can be of comfort to you and that you may know we're here for you. We're only a phone call away. Love to all four of you,
Jeremy, Bibi, Brianna & Baby Pierson

Anonymous said...

Dear Carey and Greg,
My mom sent your blog. I am so sorry for the path that you are starting down, as Jonathan and I have been down a similar one. Although we did lose Noah, we experienced two years of pure joy which we were truly thankful for. You are not alone. Depend on others and God. You probably remember that we now run a support group in the KS/MO area for families but I know someone in sacramento who does the same. I will email you her information.

Anonymous said...

Here is the website for the local CHD Group, also run by a Valerie!!! Here is her email address.
Valerie Rexin

Anonymous said...

Carey and Greg,
My heart is breaking for you and tears are falling because I know what it is like to be told that there is something very wrong with your baby that you already love so much. Know that I am here if you EVER need to talk. I remember after we lost Grant I felt so alone because I didn't know anyone who had ever been in a similar situation. I will pray for a miracle but coming from someone who had to lay their precious baby to rest in Jesus, I can tell you that no matter what the outcome God will be there for you both. For me, I have never felt his presence so strong in my life than after our precious baby died. Your family and your precious baby are in my prayers. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you through this.
Many prayers, Heather

Anonymous said...

I don't know you but a friend sent me your message to pray for you.

What a testamony to the awsomeness of our precous God that you will choose to trust Him.

Should God choose to let your baby rest in His arms until He comes, you know angels will bring that child to your waiting arms and you will get the joy of raising him in heaven. What a joy that will be.

I am a Mother who cries and prays every day for a prodical son. God knows what is best He will sustain you.

Anonymous said...

Carey and Greg,

You don't know me but I am friends with Melissa Lewinsky and I read your blog. I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and your family. I will pray that God comfort you and guide you through your journey. Continue to live in his glory and he will never leave your side. God Bless your little Boy.

Your Friend in Ohio

Anonymous said...

Hi Greg and Carey,

I am sorry you both are having to face this sadness and frustration. You all are in my thoughts and prayers!

Cousin Monica