Friday, September 26, 2008

Choosing a Name

Greg and I both felt we needed to decide on a name for our precious baby boy. Originally we had decided to wait on choosing a name until we knew the gender of the baby. We tend to have a hard time agreeing on names, so we figure why try to come up with two sets of names when we’ll only need one. Of course once we found out we were having a boy, we were hit with so much bad news, it was hard to think about a name. But as time went on, I really felt the need to have a name. And we had several people ask us for a name so they could pray for him specifically. So, we decided to take the opportunity of some downtime on our vacation to think about and come up with a name. The meaning was really important to us so we spent quite a bit of time trying to find a name we liked and had a special meaning to us.

When Kyler was born, we were trying to decide between the names Kyler and Caden. We ended up choosing Kyler because we didn’t feel the meaning of Caden fit him. Caden means “fighter” and Kyler means “handsome one”. When it came to choosing a name for this baby, we kept coming back to Caden because we feel he is definitely a fighter. But the middle name proved slightly more difficult. After much deliberation and thought, we decided on Joshua, which means “God rescues”. We fully believe with all our hearts that God does rescue, so we have decided to name our baby boy Caden Joshua. If you are praying for him, now you have a name to pray for specifically.


Anonymous said...

Carey and Greg,

I just want to start out by commending you both for your courage. I’m glad you have found an outlet in which you can express what you are going through. For me, reading what you are going through brings back so many memories. For you see my wife and I went through an experience much like what you are going through, but tried to carry on with life as if nothing was the different.

Our little boy, our first, was diagnosed with CDH (Congenital Diagrammatic Hernia) at the 18 week ultrasound. Heart was on the right side, large and small intestines, stomach, liver, and spleen were all competing for space on the left side of the chest were his little lung was. Let’s just say the odds were stacked against us. The surgeon we met with was straight and to the point, and let us know that our little boy’s chances of survival were less then 25%. But for us, that left us more then 75% for improvement. Knowing that we might lose something we never had, was a hard concept to come to grips with. We decided to plan for the worst and pray for the best.

With that in mind, picking a name was one of the hardest things my wife and I have ever done. But it was something we had to do, to get us through this. We deiced on Andrew, which means strong or brave. A name made it real to us. It gave us someone to talk, cry and sing to.... and pray for.

God sometimes does work miracles. Andrew is living proof of that. Born six weeks early, CDH repair at 5 days old, surviving a major infection, Andrew deified the experts and the odds. Our, Andrew will be turning 1 years old on Nov 3rd, one day after my birthday.

Your family is in our prayers, especially Caden. If you need anything, you know were to find me.


Anonymous said...

Love the name and so glad you have shared it with us all. I think a name is SO important. We named Grant when we found out he was a boy. Grant means "strong" and because of his little life, I have a stronger faith in God. When Grant passed away I remember being asking us if we were going to "save the name" for our next baby...which would obviously mean changing his name or not naming him at if he didn't matter. Carry & Greg, I KNOW every precious baby matters to Jesus and he knows them each by NAME--so names are important. Caden is being held in the palm of His hand. May the peace on comfort of Jesus be with you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Carey and Greg,
Thank you for sharing your heart with all of us. Now we will specifically pray for baby Caden. Much love, David and Sheila may Garrow