Friday, October 3, 2008

2nd Echo

On Tuesday, September 30, we went to the cardiologist for our 2nd fetal echocardiogram. Dr. Van Gundy told us during the echo that it looked like the aortic valve had grown which was great news! But, he wasn’t sure exactly where it should be until he looked it up. When he was done with the rest of the echo, he looked up the size that it should be and it turns out it still wasn’t good news. They use a statistical number called a “z score” to determine the severity of the valve opening. On Caden’s 1st echo, his z score was -4.7. On this echo, the z score was -4. When they are looking at these numbers, they don’t want to see anything less than a -2. So, it is still not great news regarding the aortic valve. However, the VSD did appear to be getting smaller so that is good news.

The other thing Dr. Van Gundy talked to us about was viability of Caden if he was born premature. In his opinion, he would need to weigh at least 3 kg in order to have any chance of survival if we were choose to intervene. This would be close to what Kyler’s birth weight was being born at 38 weeks (only 2 weeks early). Dr. Van Gundy said if we chose to intervene, they would probably want me to go into labor naturally and not induce, and they would want to give me a round of steroid shots at 38 or 39 weeks. However, I don’t know if Caden would stay in until that time. It’s hard to say. But, knowing this information, at least from his opinion, helps us understand where we’re at even better.

Also, on Monday afternoon, September 29, I got a call from the genetic counselor with the results of the test on chromosome #22 for velocardiofacial syndrome. It came back normal so Caden doesn’t have that. This is another piece of good news regarding the possibility of something that could have been wrong and turned out to be fine.

It’s interesting because even though we didn’t receive great news regarding Caden’s heart, Greg & I both left there feeling positive. The news hadn’t gotten worse and had even gotten slightly (very slightly) better. And, we seem to have a sense of peace about the whole thing. It doesn’t necessarily make sense since things still don’t look good. But we know things are completely out of our control at this point and God is in charge. Regardless of the outcome, he will sustain us and get us through.


Anonymous said...

Dear Greg and Carey,
Just saw some pictures of Greg and Kyler on Andy Hayton's Facebook page. What a cute little man you have!!! That's the way we remember Greg when McCulloch's first moved to Roseburg. Glad to hear that you had some good news at the Dr.'s Keep on trusting. We are praying for you. Love, the Garrows in Roseburg

Anonymous said...

God IS in control and every little piece of news is His way of showing you His love. We are praying for you.
Roger & Judy

Anonymous said...

Greg and Carey,

After reading your blog through tears, I wanted you to know that I am praying for you and God DOES answer prayers. I remind myself many times that God does not give us anything that we can not handle. He has a reason for everything, even if at times the reason is hard to see or to understand. Please know that I am thinking of you and praying for you. I am happy to hear that you have had some good news. :) Keep your chins up!

God Bless you!!!
Kim Kearbey

Anonymous said...

Dear Greg & Carey,
Just wanted to add a note of encouragement for you. I pray you just feel God's presence and warmth.
We are not alone.
Philippians 4:10
In Him,
Pastor Greg Webster