Tuesday, July 7, 2009

More Dr Updates

This morning, Greg and I took Caden to see the gastrointerologist who is working with him. We expressed our concern over his excessive retching. It is so sad to watch him do it. It is so frequent and seems so uncomfortable for him. An episode can last several seconds or several minutes. Poor thing!

We really wanted to talk to her to get an idea if there was something we could do to make them less frequent and ease his discomfort. She said based on everything we said, she wants to do an endoscopy as well as a ph probe. We told her he wasn't retching prior to having the g-tube and nissen fundoplication at the top of his stomach. So, she said it sounds like the nissen is what is causing the problem, however she won't be able to confirm what is really going on until she can do the endoscopy. She said it's possible the nissen was wrapped too tight around the esophagus or the balloon from the g-tube is in the way or a number of other possibilities. She won't know until she can take a look. She wants to place the ph probe to check for reflux. The probe is left in for a day and gathers data. Then it is pulled out and the information downloaded to a computer. This will tell if he is having reflux issues or not.

Since Caden already has a broncoscopy scheduled for the 13th, she is going to try to coordinate with the other doctor in order to take advantage of him being under anesthesia. This will be great for us. We're still waiting to hear if they will do it all on the 13th or if they will do it on another day. But it is supposed to happen next week sometime.

I also got a call from Dr. Van Gundy's office today letting us know Caden's heart catheterization has been rescheduled for Monday, July 27 at UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento. Hopefully he will be completely well at that time and there won't be any further delays. We want them to be able to get the information they are looking for in the cath and get it over with.

So, that's the latest with us. I'll keep you posted with any news.


Unknown said...

Hi there, saw your update on the HOH page. Mr. Caden will be in my thoughts and prayers for a successful bronchoscopy and catheterization. Our kiddos share the same wonderful Cardiologist. :)