Tuesday, September 8, 2009

No More Meds!!!

As of Friday, September 4, Caden is officially off ALL his medications!!! I can hardly believe it! We were almost there a month ago when he weaned off the last of the meds he came home from the hospital on. But we started his 4-weeks of antibiotics that day, so we didn't even get one day without anything. So, Friday was amazing! Woohoo!!! No more meds and I hope it stays that way.

Being on the bactrum for 4 weeks really did a number on his body. It really stripped out all the good bacteria from his body and made him gassy and cranky and gave him the worst diaper rash I've ever seen as well as thrush in his mouth. We gave him probiotics every day but they really didn't seem to help too much. We also went through several full tubes of creams of various sorts to no avail. But since Friday his diaper rash has pretty much completely gone away and the thrush in his mouth has significantly subsided. He also seems to be in a happier mood as well. What a blessing to have a healthy, happy baby! He will be 8 months old tomorrow (September 9).


Hua said...

Hello Carey!

What a great news!! I am so happy for Caden and your family! Also, Happy 8 months Birthday for Caden!

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Director of Blogger Networks

The Rietkerk's said...

Yay, that is such amazing news. That must be so nice and such a welcome change. So happy for Mr. Caden, he is amazing!!