Saturday, May 29, 2010

Creeper Crawler

Over the past couple weeks we have been working pretty hard with Caden to get him to crawl more. Like I mentioned in a previous post there are so many long-term benefits to crawling that it is really important for Caden to do it. I was starting to get discouraged because it seemed he would only do it if there was a therapist forcing him onto all fours and he would crawl to me out of desperation. I want him to be able to see the joys and benefits of crawling and enjoy doing it. Even initiating it on his own.

Well, our hard work is starting to pay off. As of Friday, Caden's crawling has “taken off” so to speak. Now, don't get me wrong. His preferred mode of transportation remains to be his bottom scooting/bouncing. But if I move him into a quadruped position from sitting, he will now crawl forward on his own. And, he will now crawl toward other people, toward toys, etc. WOW! Can I just say how proud I am of my little man??? I know he has a long way to go before he really takes off and does it proficiently and willingly on his own. But the progress he made last week was truly incredible! He is truly amazing!

Here's video as proof. :)


The Rietkerk's said...

Oh my gosh. So cute and so amazing!