Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bike Ride

On Sunday, we took Kyler to the park so Greg could start teaching him how to ride a bike with two wheels. We have not done any training wheels with him because we want him to learn his balance. Up until this point, he has just ridden his “Big Wheels” which has three wheels. So this was a big change for him. He was a little nervous about it but he did great!

I am so proud of the way he kept getting back on his bike whenever he fell, and he fell a lot. All we ask is for him to try his best and he did. He worked so hard and had such a great attitude about it. He needs to continue building his confidence because he thinks he's going to fall, so he just stops peddling and then he loses his balance and falls. But when he keeps peddling, he does a great job. I think it's a matter of time before he really gets the hang of it. I'm really proud of him for doing this well so soon.