Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Nurse

God definitely has answered our prayers. Our new nurse started last Thursday. We had two days of overlap/training with our old nurse on Thursday and Friday. Yesterday was the new nurse's first full day on her own. I have to say I was more than apprehensive about getting a new nurse. We really liked Caden's old nurse and were sad to say goodbye to her. We have had a few temporary nurses during the last few months and all of them were horrible!

But I asked for prayer on this matter and God answered. I got a call from the nursing agency last Wednesday telling me they had a nurse lined up to start orientation on Thursday. When I asked them to tell me more about her, they said she was Russian and that was her first language but that she did speak English also. They told me she had been filling in for another family with a 5-year-old boy whose nurse had been out of the country for several weeks. That scenario sounded familiar as it sounded like the family of our former nurse case manager who is now a friend of mine.

I called her and asked her the name of the nurse who had been filling in for her older son and what did they think of her. She told me her name, which was indeed the same person, and said they loved her! She told me she couldn't think of anything negative to say about this nurse. She said she was very unobtrusive, soft-spoken, and loving with her child. I was so relieved to hear this report.

So when I met her on Thursday I was happy already. She spent most of the day doing orientation with our old nurse. I was so glad to be able to have the overlap so the old nurse could tell her all about Caden and his unique issues as well as about our family and how we like to have things done. One of the things I liked best about our old nurse was how much she truly loved Caden and Kyler. She was good with both of them, and when Caden was napping, she would often play with or read to Kyler. So nice!

I truly believe God's hand was in this process in getting us our new nurse. Having the new nurse work for friends of ours before coming to us allowed us to find out a little more about her and know with confidence that she was a loving, caring person. Things have been great so far. She cares well for Caden and he has taken to her very quickly which is unusual since he is so scared of anyone new. I think that's a good sign because he's comfortable with her. And, the nurse happily plays with Kyler when Caden is napping. All in all I am very happy. She tells me throughout the day if there is anything we want her to change, just let her know and she will do it right away. Thank you for your prayers. God is so good! All the time!


Frances said...

When you have a good relationship towards those who become a nurse case manager, they would be able to help you especially for your needs during the times when you least expect it.