Friday, December 17, 2010

Potty Training???

On December 4, Caden decided it was time to pee pee on the potty. We weren't really thinking about potty training, but he seemed interested. And for several weeks, he has been telling us “pooh pooh” before he poops. Of course he hasn't done that on the potty yet. But he is showing an awareness on this subject that Kyler never showed this early!

For several days, Caden went pee pee on the potty many times and seemed really excited about it. But then after awhile he decided he didn't want to do it anymore. So we are just following his lead and letting him tell us when he is ready. But he is already doing more than Kyler was at this age. What a champ! Whenever he is ready is fine with us. :)

It might not look like it, but that is actually a cheesy smile on Caden's face :)