Friday, December 17, 2010

Preschool Christmas Concert

On Monday, December 6, Kyler's preschool class took a field trip to Winding Commons, a senior living facility near the school, to do a Christmas concert. Kyler had been looking forward to this for the previous week and kept asking me what day he would get to go sing. When the day finally came, he was lined up in the back row and didn't want to stand. By the time the residents came in, Kyler sat down and stayed there for the rest of the performance.

It was a fun day because the kids sang for the residents and then passed out art they had made for them. You could tell how much they enjoyed having the kids there. Even though Kyler didn't cooperate well, I think he still enjoyed himself and I know the residents loved it anyway!

Kyler is in the back row on the far right (almost out of sight on the picture)

After the performance with the residents seated behind him

Standing in front of the Christmas tree with his buddy, Tommy