Saturday, June 30, 2012

10 Days Post-Op

We stayed down in Sacramento for almost two weeks because Caden needed to have a post-op appointment to make sure everything was healing well. On Thursday, June 28, I took Caden to see his surgeon. After doing an exam and asking some questions, he determined all looked good and we were good to go home.

 Caden checking himself out in the mirror
while we wait to see the doctor

 Look Mom!  No Tube!  :)

The incision area where it is stitched closed is slightly raised and is a little hard to the touch. But I guess this is normal and the doctor said over time, this will diminish. He said it could take up to a couple of years but it really depends on the person. He said it wasn't anything to be concerned about. I am so relieved at how well everything went and that the tube is gone and we can get on with the rest of our lives!