Monday, January 14, 2013


In our church, we believe in the power of anointing sick or ailing people with oil and asking God for healing. Sunday afternoon, after Caden's birthday party, our pastor came to our house and performed a short anointing service.

All that is involved in this act is praying over the person, in this case, Caden, and then the pastor anoints the head with a small amount of oil. Caden has been anointed twice before. The first time was when I was pregnant with him. Here is our blog post about that occasion. Greg wrote that blog entry and did a great job explaining the Biblical background for anointing.

The second time he was anointed was while he was in the NICU waiting to have his heart surgery. He was five days old at the time. I mention it briefly in this blog post from January 14, 2009.

It was wonderful to have my parents, Greg's parents, and my sister and her family all here for the anointing. It made it very special to have them all involved. We continue to put our faith and trust in God and know that whatever happens, He will provide for us. 

Thank you to my sister, Cheryl, for taking pictures. Caden was wearing a new hat given my parents brought him from Antarctica. He removed it before it was time for the oil.