Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Welcome to Twenty Thirteen! It's hard to believe another year has come and gone. We have officially lived in Walla Walla for more than a year now. I can't believe that! Time is just flying by.

This year promises to be a year of big things in our house. The biggest of these being Caden's upcoming heart surgery. We are still waiting for results from his MRI to get an official diagnosis. But it does appear he will require surgery in the next few months.

I don't really make New Year's Resolutions, but I really feel like I should exercise more. Well, that's a little misleading because it implies that I exercise some, when in reality, I don't do it at all. So I guess I should say I need to start exercising so I can be healthy. What resolutions/goals did you make this year?

We have been on a journey over the last four years and it appears the journey is far from over. Just when we thought all the heart issues were behind us, we are facing more uncertainty ahead. If you pray, please keep us in your prayers. And I will do my best to keep you updated on the latest with our family, and especially Caden.

I am reminded again how appropriate the meaning of his name is: fighter. Boy is he a fighter! We praise the Lord for His blessings in our life and know that by trusting in Him, we will get through whatever we face, even if it is difficult.

I pray this is a year of many blessings for all of you who follow our blog.