Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday, January 24

Last night we went to bed hoping we would find out if Caden would be able to have surgery today. Greg was at the hospital after shift change and talked to Caden's nurse. We wanted to make sure if she heard something early in the morning that she would call us right away so we could get to the hospital before they took him to the operating room. And, Caden's primary nurse, Irene, was going to be working today, and we knew she would call us if she heard something when she came on. So, we went to bed and tried to get some sleep.

About 7:20 this morning, Irene called us to let us know that anesthesia would be coming to get Caden at 9 am. So, we jumped out of bed, showered, and went to the hospital. As soon as we got there, Irene asked if I wanted to hold him and I said yes. So I held him for a few minutes and then Greg took his turn. The doctors had ordered a final chest x-ray before Caden went to surgery just to make sure the lungs looked okay and if there was any fluid, they were going to give him Lasix. I don't think they ended up giving him any Lasix, but the anesthesiologist said they often give it during or after surgery to get rid of the extra fluid in the body.

Right at 9 am, the anesthesiologist came in to discuss any further questions we might have. We didn't have a lot of questions as the fellow who had talked to us on Thursday had pretty much answered everything for us. So, after a few minutes, they got Caden all situated in his bed and we all walked to the entrance to the OR together. We kissed him goodbye and sent him through the doors with the anesthesiologists and Irene.

Now we wait. We have a pager which they will use to notify us when surgery is over. We don't anticipate hearing anything before 2 pm and it could be later. We just don't know. Thank you all for your prayers as we enter into this next phase of Caden's care and recovery. Greg was reminded this morning that Sabbath was Jesus favorite day to heal. We have asked for His timing and we are grateful it is taking place on His schedule.


GRS said...

My deepest, heartfelt prayers are with you all this morning.
Gwen Taylor-Schmidt

Becky said...

I was just thinking last night how neat it would be if Caden had his surgery today because Jesus liked to heal people on the Sabbath.

Courage to you both as you wait for the surgery to be over.


Fer said...

Carey, I was wondering if you don't mind sharing with me Caden's chest xrays. You can take a look at Juan Pablo's last chest xrays on my blog under september 2008.