Thursday, April 14, 2011


Lately Kyler has been really excited about pinwheels. He had one that he took in the front yard and stuck in the ground. Then he would just sit and watch the wind spin it around. It was really cute. Unfortunately he left it out there and our neighbor's yard people came to mow her lawn and they ended up running over it and shredding it. Kyler was more than devastated by this event and cried a good many tears over it. So, I told him we could go to the store so he could buy another one with his money. A couple days later, we drove to the 99 cent store so he could look for a pinwheel. He found two that he couldn't live without so he bought them both. He won't even leave them outside now, even in the back yard, especially if it is going to rain because he doesn't want them to get wet. It's pretty funny. But he is happy and that's what matters. And, it's always good for him to learn how to take care of his belongings.