Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Cardiology Update

On Tuesday, the 17th, both the boys had follow-up appointments with the cardiologist after their echos from two weeks earlier. In addition both of them had well-child checks with the pediatrician the day before: Caden had his 18-month visit, and Kyler had his 4-year visit (we're a little off on the dates!). This meant that when we got into the exam room at the cardiologist's office, Caden was already freaked out. He had gotten 2 shots on Monday and he was definitely concerned this was going to happen again. He screamed and cried and clung to me like glue the second the doctor walked in the door. I had to hold him the whole time, even during his exam, until the doctor turned to examine Kyler. At that point, Caden seemed relieved he was no longer the “patient of interest” and he relaxed and watched with curiosity.

In the end, the cardiologist said that both boys looked and sounded great. He was very happy with their echos and what he could see on them. Kyler still has a small amount of pressure in his pulmonary valve, but this is what he wants. He doesn't want the valve leaking because once it starts leaking, it will probably have to be replaced. So, at this point, Kyler is doing great and he doesn't have to go back for another year. Caden's echo looked good. They aren't able to get any right-sided pressure readings so that does concern him a little bit. But there is nothing else to indicate there is a problem. Caden will go back in 6 months. If he isn't having any significant respiratory problems at the time, he will just have an office visit. But if there is more going on, then they will probably do another echo at that time.

Overall, a great visit for both boys and I am so relieved! It is so stressful to take the boys for their echos. Kyler is old enough that he does pretty well. But he gets weird about it and starts to “over-think” it in a way. He holds his breath and starts breathing funny which makes it kind of challenging for them to get good views. Caden on the other hand does not like having to lie down on any table in a doctor's office, so getting him to be still and happy for up to 45 minutes is very difficult. I hope it will get better with time. For now, things look good and we can praise God for that!


Unknown said...

You are very inspiring, Carey! I always think how trying and stressful it is to have my single heart child, you have two! Double the worry, double the visits, double the diagnosis, double what you need to learn, etc. You handle everything so calmly and seem VERY organized. When I grow up, I want to be like you! ;)

ps- glad the boys look great heart-wise!