Monday, August 2, 2010

Nurse Stress

Okay, I am really tired of the ever-changing nursing situation at our house. I know I shouldn't complain but I am tired of things changing on a regular basis. To catch you up, here is the timeline of events:

- On our way home from vacation, July 4, we find out our regular nurse got called to duty (she's in the military reserves)

- For the 1st week and a half we are home, we have no nurse, the agency isn't able to find us a temporary replacement

- We eventually get a temporary nurse for 3 days/week but she complains non-stop about anything and everything and I feel like I have to be out of the house so I'm not around her!

- We also have another temporary nurse for the same time period for 1 day/week. She's mediocre at best but I figure I can deal with her on a short-term basis

- July 20, the nursing agency tells us our regular nurse will be back on August 2! I'm happy!

- On July 30, the agency informs me that our nurse will not be able to return until the end of August. I'm very UNhappy!

- I start to stress out! Greg & I leave for Cancun, Mexico for 1 week on August 8 (we're celebrating our 10 year anniversary!). I was counting on our regular nurse being here to help my mom for the week we are gone

- On August 2, the temporary nurse who has come 1 day/week is here

- Also August 2, the agency calls to tell me they have someone to help us this week but not next. I tell them I HAVE to have someone this week who I can orient for next week because my mom can't do it!

- August 2, the agency calls me again to tell me they have someone for this week and they are working on finding someone for next week who can orient this week before I leave

- The agency calls me AGAIN to tell me they cancelled the nurse who was going to come this week and they are going to have the previous mentioned complainer nurse come for 3 days this week. I ask what about next week? I HAVE to have someone 5 days/week next week. They say the nurse who has been working 1 day/week will be here Monday and the complainer nurse will be here the next 4 days. I tell them this will have to do but it's not ideal because complainer nurse is not a good fit for our family.

- As I'm talking to the agency, the recruiter puts me on hold and comes back to tell me all plans have changed: our regular nurse just called and talked to another recruiter there and she will be ready to go back to work on Monday!

- So... barring anymore changes (I'm not holding my breath on this one!), we have the complainer nurse the next 3 days this week with no nurse on Friday. Then, our regular nurse will be back on Monday to help my mom care for Caden.

I know I need to trust God on this one. I am more than a little stressed about this because I need a nurse here to help my mom. I know she will do a great job taking care of Caden, but it's the unforseen things that might happen. If he gets sick or the g-tube comes out, etc. Things I can practically do with my eyes closed but my mom hasn't had to deal with.

Thankfully our former nurse case manager who lives close by has agreed to be an emergency contact if my mom needs something. She and I became friends during the year that she helped manage Caden's medical care. Aside from myself, she probably knows Caden's medical history better than anyone. I am so grateful she is willing to help if there is an emergency. And I have to remember that God has taken care of Caden this far and He won't abandon him (or us) now!


Victoria Nelson said...

ayeayeaye! it's nursing chaos.
while im looking forward to going home with M, i'm not looking forward to the stress that accompanies home nursing and medical supply companies. ick.
hoping it's smooth sailing from here, and that you guys will enjoy your anniversary trip. congratulations!