Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Treadmill Study Ends :(

Last Friday, Caden's treadmill study came to an end. :( From the very beginning, Caden loved walking on the it. He was always happy to get on and walk two times/day, 6 days/week. And the more he did it the more relaxed and comfortable he was on it.

Before he started the study, he was pulling up on furniture, but he wasn't cruising around it (walking around furniture while holding on with both hands). Within 3-4 days of using the treadmill, he was cruising back and forth on everything.

During week 5 of the study, he started standing up in the middle of the room without holding on to anything. After a few days of this, he took his first two tentative steps on October 10 with Greg. I missed it. :(

A few days before the study ended, Caden started using a walker. I posted a video of this on the blog for those who might have missed it. We had it for a couple weeks before he finally was willing to use it. Once he started he hasn't looked back. It is on loan to us by the person doing the treadmill study. We thought we were going to have to give it back when she came to pick up the treadmill, but we were very fortunate to be able to keep it a little while longer. She won't need it until after the first of the year so we should be able to have it through the holidays. In the meantime we are working on getting our own. Hopefully by the time we jump through all the hoops Caden won't need it anymore!

Every day he has progressed more and more. It is absolutely incredible how much the treadmill helped him! If you want to compare this video to the first video I posted of him on the treadmill 6 weeks ago, click here. It's amazing! We are so incredibly grateful for the opportunity to participate in this study. What a blessing!