Friday, April 13, 2012

Cardiology Update

On Thursday, April 12, both the boys had cardiology appointments. The pediatric cardiology group from Spokane comes to Walla Walla about once/month to see kids here, instead of having to drive all the way to Spokane. So I scheduled appointments for both the kids one afternoon.

They both had EKG's and an exam by the cardiologist. Since this was the kids' first visit with the new cardiologist since we moved to Washington, she wanted to do a thorough exam. And, in order to establish a good baseline echo for them, she wanted to have it done at their office in Spokane. We already had other appointments scheduled for Caden for the end of July in Spokane, so she wanted us to have echos done at the same time. That way we didn't have to make a separate trip. She said they could do them in Walla Walla, but their mobile ultrasound machine isn't quite as nice and new as the one they have in their office. So when given the choice, she prefers the one in the office, especially for new patients.

Kyler having an EKG

Caden's turn for an EKG

Dr. Burg listening to Caden's heart and lungs

After doing an exam on each of them, she said both boys were doing really well. She said Kyler sounded great and seemed happy to hear he doesn't have any issues like getting tired out easily, etc. After going over Caden's slightly more complicated medical history, she said she was amazed at how well he was doing and how good he looked and sounded. Coming from a cardiologist, I take that as really good news! I would say it was a very positive appointment. Now we just have to get the echos done to see if there is anything else going on that we don't know about. Thank you for your continued prayers!