Thursday, April 5, 2012

Trailblazers Game

On Wednesday afternoon, April 4, we picked Kyler up from school a little early and headed to Portland. Greg and I had tickets to a Trailblazers basketball game that night. My parents were staying at my sister's house in Portland helping her out for a few weeks and they agreed to watch our boys so Greg and I could go to the game.

The tickets we had were through Greg's work and we were in one of the box suites at the arena. There was lots of yummy food to eat, lots of networking for Greg to do, and a basketball game to watch. To be honest, I don't even know if they won or lost. I guess that makes it obvious I don't care too much about basketball. I enjoy going to games, but I don't have a specific team I root for. But, I am always happy to have a date night with my hubby and an entertaining evening out without the kids. Thanks Mom & Dad for watching the kids for us!