Thursday, July 26, 2012

Walla Walla Sweets

Most people who have heard of Walla Walla recognize it because of the Walla Walla Sweet Onion. The onion has so much notoriety that the local minor league baseball team named themselves the Walla Walla Sweets. We have some friends from Sacramento who were in the Walla Walla area visiting their family who live there and they wanted to go to a baseball game. We thought it would be fun to join them since we hadn't been before and it might be fun for the kids.

The evening started off well and the kids enjoyed the experience for awhile. Partly because their friends were with them. But after awhile they bored of the game and wanted to go home. We managed to stay until the end but not without some tears of exhaustion on the kids part. 

Me with my friend, Lori.  So glad she visited!

One of the highlights, however, was Caden getting one of the game balls.  It came over the wall in front of where we were sitting and a man picked it up and walked over to Caden and handed it to him.  Caden thought that was the most fabulous thing in the world!  He loves sports and balls and he was so excited to get his own baseball!  :)  

Here he is showing off his baseball!

 I'm glad we went but not sure I will be taking the kids again soon. I think they need to get a little older before they enjoy it. Maybe next year...