Wednesday, December 31, 2008

37 Week Doctor Appt

This morning we had our final doctor's appointment of 2008! Yeah! We are so happy Caden has decided to be a 2009 baby. Of course that means I still need to get through the next few hours...

Anyway, we talked to the doctor briefly about inducing me next week. She said they would talk to the neonatologist to make sure she was okay with doing the induction on the 9th, in case I hadn't already delivered Caden by that point. She said they will often induce right around 39 weeks if the baby looks like it's big enough. So, we don't know for sure what will happen, but we will see. We got a call this afternoon from the hospital asking us to come by and pick up a pre-registration packet to fill out in order to schedule the induction. So, Greg needs to go pick that up. Once they have that completed, they will call to set up a date to induce.

However, Greg tells me I need to stop planning because things never go according to plan. Caden can still decide he wants to make his entrance sometime in the next week and so making a plan is irrelevant. Greg's right, of course, but I can't help but make some plans. At least this is the backup plan in case Caden isn't born before the 9th. : )

At this point, he looks great on the non-stress tests and appears to be gaining weight steadily, even if he is on the small side. The doctor seemed to be happy that his growth was progressing and he would probably be over 6 pounds next week. My goal all along was to make it to 38 weeks (which is next Monday) and anything past that would be great. So far, we're looking good. This afternoon I was having a LOT of discomfort, more than usual. And, my lower back was really starting to hurt. I was a little concerned I was going into labor today (I had back labor with Kyler). But the back pain has subsided and I am not showing any other signs of labor. So, we will continue to pray for him to stay put for another week. Thank you all for your prayers. May you have a peaceful close to 2008 and a joyful start to 2009!


Anonymous said...

As you enter the new year as well as the final portion of this journey, know that you are frequently in our prayers. We wish you were closer so we could see you, but are glad that you're safe and sound and cared for until we can see you again. Thank you for your blog updates, as it helps us to pray more specifically. Caden may very well be the most loved baby that's not yet born!

Sam Wallington

Chrissy said...

I am so happy for you and your family! Caden has been a good little baby... to stay indoors for a little longer to get bigger. I love you and always am praying for you.


Anonymous said...

Been following your journey, and praying for each of you every day. Appreciate your blog up-dates, then I know how to specifically pray. God bless you all. Ronna

Anonymous said...

Caden has already shown what a bright baby he is to stay put a while longer! He probably likes the weather where he is better than out here. Wishing you the best and continuing to pray for you, Caden, and your family as we count down the days/hours until this amazing Blessing shows his face. So glad to hear Kyler is doing so well and had a great Christmas. Call me if your mom wants to take him for a playdate!

Anonymous said...

I'm so amazed at how God has answered prayers these past few months! I'm so thankful for each postitive test result and for Caden not being born as early as was feared. I continue to pray for Him to work miracles through this precious child and for you and Greg to find peace in knowing that God is holding all of you in His powerful but tender hands.
In Christ,
Betsy Robertus (from CBS)