Friday, February 15, 2013


Valentine's Day was a busy day for us because Kyler was also VIP for the day in his class. He got to take in pictures of himself, and anything else he wanted to show his class. He got to have about 20 minutes to tell his classmates about himself, his family, etc. The teacher has the kids each fill out a little questionnaire to help them get started. Then, after that, they can add whatever information they want.

I asked Kyler all week what he wanted to take for his VIP day to show his friends. He couldn't think of anything. So I went into his room with him and asked him about almost every toy/object in his room. Every time, he answered with a “no.” I happened to pull down a couple photo albums of pictures we had taken of him professionally. Most of them are him by himself, but there are also some family photos and ones with friends or with Caden later on. As soon as Kyler saw these books, he said he wanted to show them to the class. So that's what he did.

He spent a long time going through each picture and telling the class, “This is me having my picture taken,” about almost every one. It was so funny! The first picture of him was at 2 months old and the last picture I put in the album was when he was 5 years old. It was so cute to see him show his classmates. And, it was hilarious to listen to them make “awwwww” sounds throughout. So adorable!

Great job Kyler! We love you!