Saturday, September 17, 2011

Roller Skating

On Friday, September 16, Kyler got to go roller skating with his whole school for the morning. Several times a year, the principal and the teachers take the kids to a roller skating rink instead of having school in the morning. For Kyler that meant no school for the day since he only has class in the morning. But I think the other kids come back and have a short day of classes before going home.

This was the first time Kyler ever went roller skating and he was a little nervous about it. I wasn't able to be there that day due to a doctor's appointment for Caden. But his teacher, Mrs. Altman, and a couple other moms made sure to give him extra attention and help build his confidence. Thanks to them, he was willing to get out there and try.

I am so proud of Kyler for doing his best. Sometimes he has a little difficulty trying new things because he wants to do them perfectly the first time and gets frustrated when he can't. So we have a lot of conversations about not needing to be perfect and just doing our best. But I do want him to at least participate and try things. I guess it's my way of pushing him a little to do things that are out of his comfort zone. The only way we learn how to do things is by practicing them.

Turns out he loved roller skating! He made it all the way around the rink a couple times holding onto the wall. It was a good morning and he really enjoyed himself. :) I'm just proud of him for trying!