Saturday, September 24, 2011


In September, I signed Kyler up for an 8-week soccer program through his school. I wanted to get him involved in something active and challenge him to do something new. He was very concerned about it because he said he didn't know how to play soccer. I kept telling him that neither did half the other kids that were there and that was why they were playing... so they can learn how. But as I have mentioned before, Kyler is a bit of a perfectionist and is resistant to trying anything new.

The first day was more than a challenge! It was downright awful because Kyler refused to participate at all (this involved rolling around on the ground and kicking and screaming very loudly!). After that I wasn't sure I ever wanted to take him back. The next week I was unable to take him to the game due to a previous commitment, but thankfully he went with a friend of mine. I think that was the best thing I could have done. Without me there, he actually got out on the field and participated. That is really all I want from him. I want him to get out there and try his best.

So we have continued going every Wednesday night for practice and every Sunday morning for a game and it is going really well. He has really improved from the beginning and actually seems to enjoy it. I am so proud of him for overcoming his fears and just doing it. I hope I am teaching him some life lessons in the process.

Kyler kicking the ball in practice - he looks so adorable!

During the game, Kyler is ready to kick the ball down the field

He's taking his turn as goalie. Most of the time he does circles in the goal box and doesn't pay too much attention. :)

At the end of the game. Way to go Ky!