Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cardio Update for Caden

On Tuesday, October 18, Caden had his regular 6-month cardiology follow-up appointment. This was the first time they didn't schedule him for an echo first. I questioned them on it but they said Dr. Van Gundy said he just needed an office visit. That was fine with me because getting Caden to remain still for an echo is very challenging!

On this visit they did an EKG and took his pulse-ox. Both of those were good. Caden was so cute with the EKG. I told him ahead of time they were going to put little stickers on him and attach the wires, making sure to tell him it wouldn't hurt. And he was so good and calm for the whole thing. Then when it was time to take the stickers off, I told him it would pull on his skin a little bit. He didn't complain too much, but he was very glad when they were all off him.

When Dr. Van Gundy came in, he asked a lot of questions about how Caden was doing and we chatted about several things. I have noticed lately how warm, and sometimes sweaty, Caden is. I know this can sometimes be related to heart issues, so I wanted to talk to the cardiologist about it. The temperatures outside have been cooling down, yet Caden still remains very warm. Now he has always run a little on the warm side but not running a fever. Just warm to the touch.

After discussing this with Dr. Van Gundy, he felt very strongly that Caden should have an echo to determine if there is a problem. In Caden's case, he does not feel it is an issue with his coarctation. He said it is more likely pulmonary hypertension, which he has a history of. This is the first time with either of the boys that there has ever been a concern when we have had a regular follow-up appointment. So it makes me a little nervous to say the least. His echo is scheduled for November 17 so please keep us in your prayers until we get more information.

Calmly waiting for the EKG to be over

Once it was done, he wanted to help pull those stickers off!