Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Field Trip

I was really excited to go on Kyler's class field trip to Zittel Farms pumpkin patch on October 18. It was the first school trip I got to go on. I love that he has a small class and they can do lots of fun things. When we first got to the farm, the owner took the kids on a long hay ride all through the farm. The farm isn't very big so he did lots of looping in and around and back and forth and we managed to cover a lot of territory. The kids thought it was great fun!

Then we all got down and Mr. Zittel talked to the kids about horses, goats, and burros. From there we walked over to the chicken coop and got a tour with another person. She talked to the kids all about chickens and pigs. Then she took them and showed them a goat's mouth. We learned that sheep, goats and cows do not have any upper teeth. They only have bottom teeth. I never knew that so that was really interesting.

The kids got to play in a fun play area and then pick out a small pumpkin. They also got to see a goat at the top of a ramp use it's teeth to pull on a rope to pull a box of feed up the ramp to his mouth. It was hilarious to watch! He definitely knew what he was doing!

After that, the official tour was over, and the kids ran around and played while doing some more exploring. It was so much fun and I was so glad I got to go and take Caden with us.

The kids taking it all in on the hay ride

Back row: Caden, Kyler, Nate, Immanuel Front row: Emily, Wesley, Simon, Jasmine

Seriously, that is the best smile I could get out of both of them!

Kyler wanted to do a silly face for one of the pictures - not sure if he's trying to be a pirate or what...

Group shot with the teacher - the sun was very bright!

Kyler with Mrs. Altman, his wonderful teacher