Monday, October 31, 2011


We had so much fun on Halloween! I was able to borrow costumes from friends for both of the boys and they were absolutely adorable! Caden was a tiger and Kyler was a lamb. Soooo cute! :)

Cutest. Tiger. Ever!

Adorable Lamb!

After dinner, we took the kids to a Trunk or Treat at a local church near our house and went through their parking lot collecting treats for the boys. Most of them you had to participate in a game first; many of them involving throwing bean bags through the holes of a board. Kyler did a really good job with that and got his candy. And because Caden was so little, most people would just try to give him candy without having him throw the beanbags. But Caden really WANTED to throw the bean bags, so he did it every time. I'm not sure he got them through the holes or not, but he was close. And considering most of them were high up in the back of a truck or something, I would say my little man did a great job! Then they would give him his candy and he would try to throw that through the holes! Hilarious! :) But he loved taking the candy and putting it in his treat bag. It was so cute. He didn't want anyone else to put them in there but him. Mr. Independent!

See, he's even adorable from behind!  :)

Here we are: Caden the Tiger, Carey the Mom, Greg the Doctor, and Kyler the Lamb

After that, we went home and did a little bit of trick or treating on our street with a few of our neighbors. We are pretty good friends with some of them and they got such a kick out of the boys' costumes. It was fun. By then it was getting quite late, so we took the boys home and got them in bed. They both had a great time! :) I would say it was a fun and safe Halloween.