Sunday, December 4, 2011

Church Christmas Retreat

December 3-4 was our church's annual Christmas retreat at Leoni Meadows. This is a 160-acres of beautiful land in the mountains outside of Placerville. It operates as a summer camp for kids during the summer, and used as a retreat location much of the rest of the year for various organizations, etc. It is so beautiful!

Greg was unable to go due to work responsibilities in Walla Walla over the weekend. So I was really excited when a good friend of mine agreed to come with me to help with my boys. I don't think I would have attempted an overnight excursion on my own. I was really looking forward to the weekend since we have been unable to attend the last three years due to challenges with Caden. The first year we had to miss I was on bed rest with pre-term labor with Caden and couldn't risk it. The next year, Caden had recently been hospitalized for respiratory distress brought on from being at elevation and we didn't want to risk having that happen again. And, last year I had responsibilities with the Mended Little Hearts holiday party. So this was my last chance before we moved away and I didn't want to miss it!

My friend, Shonna, and I drove up on Saturday morning and got there just after noon. We got settled in our cabin, ate lunch, and headed out to do some exploring. We took the kids to the nature center where they got to do some “hands-on” learning with various things. Then, we met up with the rest of the group for a vespers that evening before dinner. After dinner, we all gathered together to play games in the main auditorium and have a lot of laughs. Then we migrated to the cafeteria for late-night snacks and more board games. There is lots of laughter and lots of fun on these nights. :)

Love his new hat! Reindeer? Moose?

Not sure what Caden's silly face is about but it's awfully cute!

The kids all bundled up to go outside in the cold mountain air!

Sunday morning after breakfast, it was time for the train ride! This camp has a small train that covers a lot of ground. It takes almost an hour to take a round-trip around the track. It is very fun, especially for the kids. Kyler was so excited he could hardly stand it! Shonna and I were also in charge of my friend's children, Brayden and Elizabeth. Kyler and Brayden are best friends and they were so excited to sit together on the train.

Kyler and Brayden ready for the train ride to start!

Caden and Mommy all bundled up ready for the cold ride

Elizabeth, Kyler, Brayden, Caden & Carey - Ready to go

Our friend Jon, along with Shonna and Elizabeth

Caden insisted on having his hat cover one eye and screamed if I tried to adjust it...

We got out to the halfway point on the track and everyone was allowed to get off the train and walk around a bit. The boys were playing and having a great time. Then, as the kids were getting back on, Brayden somehow hit his ear on the metal on the back of one of the bench seats and split it open in 3 places. There were no sharp edges or anything that we can find so we are no really sure how it happened. Brayden's ear was bleeding really badly and Shonna thought he would need stitches. So instead of taking the train back, the conductor called someone to drive out and pick Brayden and Shonna up to drive them back to the lodge to his parents so they could take him to the closest ER which was almost an hour away.
Kyler was so sad about Brayden getting hurt that he was almost crying along in sympathy. :( And, both boys were so sad that they didn't get to finish the train ride together. But, Brayden's parents drove him to the ER and he ended up needing 9 stitches on his ear. He was so tough through the whole thing and we were just glad he didn't get hurt more seriously!
This picture was taken right after Brayden's injury - just look at the sad look on poor Kyler's face  :(

After the rest of us got back from the train ride, it was time for our big Christmas lunch before we headed home. Our friends put a lot of work into this weekend, and this lunch, and it was too bad they couldn't be there to enjoy it with us. Especially since it was because they had to be in the ER. :( But we packed up some containers of food for them so they wouldn't miss out entirely and when it was over, we took it to them at the hospital. All in all it was a great weekend. We just wish it didn't have to end with an injury. 

Caden tasting a candy cane for the first time and actually seeming to like it!

Huge thanks to Shonna for going with me so I could enjoy the retreat before we moved!