Friday, December 16, 2011

Last Day of School at Orangevale

So many of my posts have been about the last therapy and the last doctor appointments for Caden. But this was a pretty big “last” for Kyler: his last day of school at Orangevale Adventist School.

Kyler's last day of school at Orangevale was Friday, December 16, after only four months of Kindergarten. We were so sad to leave the wonderful school and his INCREDIBLE teacher, Mrs. Vickie Altman. Vickie changed all of our lives! Kyler had a bit of a difficult time adjusting to school five days/week and she truly helped him through that process.

She was such a help to me in helping me understand him better. I always believed he was being defiant when he didn't want to do certain things. But she helped me realize that his “defiance” was almost always “apprehension” about trying new things. He is a perfectionist and he is afraid or nervous to try new things because he doesn't want to fail. He wants to be able to do it perfectly the first time, which is not reasonable. This significantly decreased my frustration with him because I understood what he was feeling and could work with him on that.

I didn't get to help out in the classroom as much as I would have liked, mostly because of our busy schedule with all Caden's doctor's appointments and therapies. But I knew I was welcome in the classroom anytime. There were only 6 kids in Kyler's class, including him so it was a very close-knit group and they all received wonderful one-on-one time with Vickie.

I am so thankful for the wonderful start Kyler had with such an incredible teacher. She has a true gift for teaching and for understanding the hear of children. She brought lots of love and prayer into the classroom and for that I am grateful! We will desperately miss Vickie and Orangevale. Thank you for all you have done for Kyler!

Vickie and Kyler's classmates saying a special prayer for him before school was out - SO sweet!

Kyler's class (L-R): Kyler, Emily, Wesley, Simon, Immanuel, Nate
(yes, there was only 1 girl!)

Mrs. Altman with the Kindergarten class

Kyler with Mrs. Vickie Altman - such a wonderful, incredible teacher and friend!
We will miss you!